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ELY Centres’ primary channels of influence in climate work

ELY-keskukset ovat lakisääteisten tehtäviensä kautta kiinni lähes kaikessa alueilla tapahtuvassa toiminnassa. Virastot myös välittävät tietoa alueille ja alueilta edelleen ylöspäin. ELY-keskukset soveltavat käytännössä laajaa lainsäädäntöä ja pystyvät välittämään tietoa ja palautetta edelleen lainsäädäntöjen kehittämistyöhön.


ELY Centres’ primary channels of influence in climate work

One of the cornerstones of the ELY Centres’ activities is to promote the good state of the environment and contribute to a sustainable society. In climate issues, work is carried out both through the development of official duties but also through extensive cooperation in the regions.

In accordance with the Climate Change Act, the ELY Centres must promote the objectives of the Climate Change Act and the programmes and plans under the act in their activities. The ELY Centres’ activities are governed by up to 200 laws and regulations, most of which allow for measures to promote climate sustainability.

The Climate Change Act and the plans under the act describe the role of the ELY Centre in different administrative sectors:

KAISU (Medium-term Climate Change Policy Plan): The ELY Centres’ expert role, involving a national network of ELY climate experts and a climate group of steering bodies and strategy managers.

MISU (Climate Plan for Land Use Sector) and KISS (National Adaptation Plan): The ELY Centres have important responsibilities in their official duties. At the beginning of 2023, a Climate Unit was established within the administrative branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for the land use sector and adaptation at the ELY Centre for North Ostrobothnia.